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For the Parents

There are 3 Parent-Teacher conferences during the year.  PTC will be held for K 3-5 and Grade 1 through Grade 8 after quarter term exams. (Please refer to school calendar). There may be other times throughout the year that the parents or teacher deem a conference necessary. All parents MUST attend parent-teacher conferences. Parents are encouraged to take the initiative to keep themselves informed of their child’s progress.

Health & Safety



Emergency cards

Parents are required to keep updated emergency cards filed in both the school and extension offices (provided your child is in extension). It is important to change the information on your cards should you move, have changes in any phone numbers, or change jobs. Students will be checked out only to people listed on the emergency card. All pertinent and or special health needs should also be listed on the emergency card. 


Illness and Notification

We understand that it is difficult for a parent to leave or miss work; therefore, it is recommended that alternative arrangements be made for occasions when children must remain at home or be picked up due to illness. If your child has any of the following conditions or symptoms, we will contact you to pick up your child from school immediately in order to prevent contagion of other children and staff and to provide comfort to your child. 


Arriving at School

All students may be dropped off in the front of the school any time before 7:30am. This location will have adult supervision. Students are to have breakfast on arrival before bell goes at 7.25am for entering classrooms.  All students must be in their classrooms by 7.30am. All students arrived after 8.00am is considered late.



Implicit in a student’s application to attend the school is a willingness to cooperate and abide by the uniform code. School uniforms promote unity, modesty, neatness, and foster an atmosphere of uniformity that gives dignity to the individual and the school. They should in no way be worn or altered to make a fashion statement.



Students are excused from school when they are ill or have dental/doctor appointments. If a student is going to be absent, parents are required to call or email the School Office to inform staff of the absence, prior to 7:00 am, if possible. When a student returns to school after being absent, the parent must send a note explaining the absence to the teacher or provide a Dr./Dentist verification of the absence or tardy in order for it to be considered excused. 



Students are expected to conduct themselves in a safe and courteous manner in the cafeteria. Students will: 

  • Line up in an orderly fashion for lunch. 

  • Walk with trays or lunches to their assigned tables. 

  • Use normal voices when conversing with each other. 

  • Clean their areas when finished eating. 

  • Be excused by the supervisors. 

  • Help on their appointed day with cafeteria cleanup. 

  • Behavior that is inappropriate in the cafeteria is determined by the supervisors and may result in school disciplinary action. â€‹

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